Here is a list of all official BCharity Smart Contracts. Always check here for the latest official contract addresses!
Token Contract
GIVE Token: 0x5C6a0B211a3dd809050A26F224F0e2AAba3d22f5
GIVE Token's ownership transferred to Masterchef (here)
This contract address is for the $GIVE token. Import this address into your wallet to begin sending and receiving $GIVE.
Always double-check that you add the $GIVE token to your wallet using this address only.
MasterChef Contracts
MasterChef: 0xE788e96892F3a7F68F1a2C7e3899c5E74E05e190
MasterChef's ownership transferred to Timelock (here)
The MasterChef controls the BCharity Farms and Pools functions.
VaultChef <VaultChef URL goes here>
The VaultChef controls the BCharity Vault functions.
Other Contracts
The Timelock prevents instant changes to our smart contracts for 21 hours.
Referral Handler: 0xFe3F3A1f5B91eeb9c85255A71F3D1A99F01eC3eC
The Referral Handler tracks and rewards referrals.
Last updated