Start $GIVEing
Have you set up your wallet (i.e., Metamask) for the Polygon blockchain? Get connected, before starting to $GIVE!
You can get started immediately by swapping tokens for $GIVE on QuickSwap, or other DEXes.
Here's how you can get started quickly using QuickSwap as a Liquidity Provider (LP):
Click here to securely import $GIVE token and swap on GiveSwap.
If you want to stake an LP token, then provide the liquidity on GiveSwap. If you're solo-staking you can skip this step.
Approve the contract, if it's your first time. Depositing will then be enabled.
Deposit an amount for staking, and press Confirm.
That's it! We've prepared our bait, and now we simply wait for the $GIVE! (*change pun)
Last updated